The Spyke Viewer API. It includes the global application configuration, objects to access the main window and application and convenience functions.


Global configuration options for Spyke Viewer. Single options can be set by string like a dictionary (e.g. spykeviewer.api.config['ask_plugin_path'] = False) or directly (e.g. spykeviewer.api.config.ask_plugin_path = False). They can be set in the Startup script, from the console or even in plugins. However, some configuration options are only effective when changed from the startup script. The configurations options are:

ask_plugin_path (bool)
Ask about plugin paths if saving a file outside of the plugin paths. Default: True
save_plugin_before_starting (bool)
Automatically save and reload a modified plugin before starting. Default: True
load_selection_on_start (bool)
Load the selection that was automatically saved when shutting down Spyke Viewer automatically on startup. This parameter is only effective when set in the startup script. Default: True
duplicate_channels (bool)
Treat neo.core.RecordingChannel objects that are referenced in multiple neo.core.RecordingChannelGroup objects as separate objects for each reference. If False, each channel will only be displayed (and returned by spykeutils.plugin.data_provider.DataProvider) once, for the first reference encountered. Default: False
codecomplete_console_enter (bool)
Use Enter key for code completion in console. This parameter is only effective when set in the startup script. Default: True
codecomplete_editor_enter (bool)
Use Enter key for code completion in editor. This parameter is only effective when set in the startup script. Default: True
remote_script_parameters (list)
Additional parameters for remote script. Use this if you have a custom remote script that needs nonstandard parameters. The format is the same as for subprocess.Popen, e.g. ['--param1', 'first value', '-p2', '2']. Default: []

The main window of Spyke Viewer.


The PyQt application object.


Start first plugin with given name and return result of start() method. Raises a SpykeException if not exactly one plugins with this name exist.

Parameters:name (str) – The name of the plugin. Should not include the directory.

Get plugin with the given name. Raises a SpykeException if multiple plugins with this name exist. Returns None if no such plugin exists.

Parameters:name (str) – The name of the plugin. Should not include the directory.

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